
I've never been one to beat around the bush or bite my tongue. All my opinions on this blog are completely mine and in no way have I or nor will I be influenced into promoting a product I've not tested, tried, touched or (if it's edible) tasted.

Please remember that we are all different in one way or another. There's a marginal chance that a brand or product I love or use will be the perfect shade, quality, skin type, brand or price for you.

Please take note all the items, products & brands I review, rant or rave about will be something I've personally experienced and / or purchased. In the event that I should receive a product to try, I'll clearly mark that within the post / promotion. I reserve the right to decide not to post any comments or opinions regarding a product sent to me if I didn't enjoy the product or if I find the products claims falsely advertised.

In other words...

Unless I've made an indication or stated otherwise, all products, brands or items made mention of and reviewed on this blog have been paid for by me without any compensation. In the event where a PR sample has been supplied, I will point this out within the post.